Friday, 6 June 2014

Exam Preparation - GTA V Feature

1. How long before release did the GTA V campaign begin?
2 years before.

2. How did the institution want existing GTA fans to react to the early trailers?
Rockstar wanted their dedicated fans to watch the trailers over and over again and analyse them and try to find out information about the game by themselves.

3. How did the steady release of trailers build excitement and hype about the game?
The trailers were short with big time gaps in between them. They also didn't reveal a lot of information at once and left the audience trying to figure it out.

4. How was the launch used to generate news coverage?

5. What effect did the strict embargo have on the audience? 
It created more excitement at extraordinary levels as the release day neared. 

6. In your opinion, why was the campaign for GTA V so successful?
In my opinion it is because, GTA has a lot of dedicated fans just waiting for the new game releases and therefore once they find out about it the word of mouth takes over quite a lot of the time. The fact that they withheld information in the trailers left people wondering and posting their ideas online making more people aware of the game.